Dear CEDHARS members,


We are excited to announce that we are currently scheduling speakers for the 2022 CEDHARS/Rehabilitation Science seminar series. We are asking for your help in identifying potential speakers. We are planning to bring in speakers from across the country with a broad range of expertise and across the translational spectrum.  If you have any suggestions for speakers you would like us to invite to speak (via Zoom until further notice, but on campus as soon as we can), please email Dr. Brooks Wingo at [log in to unmask]. Thank you.





Jamie S. Black | Program Manager II

Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS)

UAB/Lakeshore Research Collaborative

School of Health Professions

UAB | The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Cell:  205.790.1303 | [log in to unmask]


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