Please find information about upcoming LabArchives training sessions below and attached. There are three opportunities available (note the lunch and learn on 4/05/23 is available only to trainees). LabArchives is a resource for creating and maintaining lab notebooks and for lab inventory management and is free for all UAB faculty, staff, and students. The sessions will be led by LabArchives specialist, Hannah Clark. If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Lindsey Henson in the Office of the Vice President for Research.


LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook 101

April 4, 2-3pm, BBRB 170

This session is primarily for PI's, Lab Managers, Researchers, Lab Technicians, Graduate Students & Technical Support Staff.  In these training sessions we highlight the key features relevant to your use in a research or teaching lab, provide tips on tailoring a notebook to your specific needs, plus time to ask questions in order to save you time and get started using the platform. Learn how to create a LabArchives notebook quickly and easily to securely manage your research data online. Other topics covered will include access management, adding and managing content, and collaboration tools.



LabArchives Inventory 101

April 4, 3-4pm, BBRB 170

LabArchives Inventory - Now available to all University of Alabama Birmingham research staff, faculty, and students. Join this session to learn about the benefits that LabArchives Inventory offers researchers by streamlining the organization, tracking, and ordering of lab inventory. LabArchives Inventory also closely integrates with the LabArchives Notebook further extending the benefits of securely managing your research data with LabArchives.

LabArchives Office Hours

April 4, 3-4pm, BBRB 263

Drop in for expert assistance on LabArchives Inventory and Electronic Lab Notebook. Open to all UAB researchers, whether you need assistance logging in to LabArchives for the first time or are a seasoned user with a specific question.  We recommend you bring your own computer. No registration required.

Calendar link

On April 5 we are offering a LA lunch-and-learn session for trainees.


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