Hello everyone, the RERC RecTech team would like to invite everyone to the WHARF lab at Lakeshore<https://goo.gl/maps/YWi6fjjnHuPHaf3o7> this Friday, 9:30 to 10:30 am, 7/7/2023 to meet our partner, Motivation from UK<https://www.motivation.org.uk/>, and check out a new Frame Runner we are developing together. Frame running is an adapted sport where the athlete runs using a three-wheeled frame supported by a saddle and body plate https://cpsport.org/frame-running/.<https://cpsport.org/frame-running/> Motivation is an international development charity and social enterprise with a proud, thirty-year history of wheelchair provision https://www.motivation.org.uk/.

We will have coffee and refreshments.


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